Friday 5 – Saturday 6 August 2022
Love singing Early Music? This summer, join The Gesualdo Six in beautiful London churches and explore some Renaissance gems.
We will be running our first Renaissance Music Weekend this summer. If you love singing Early Music this is a perfect opportunity to explore some of the masterpieces of this period. As part of the course, you will lead an atmospheric compline service, work on vocal technique and ensemble singing, and perform in a concert with us. All this takes place in a selection of beautiful churches around London. You can find out more below, and apply using the form at the end of this page. We look forward to hearing from you!
Who should apply
We started in 2014 as a group of singers with experience performing in church choirs who wanted the opportunity to perform music outside of that repertoire with smaller forces – and now we’re excited to be able to offer this opportunity to other singers! As we will be working on a full concert programme’s worth of music, we would expect applicants to have sufficiently good reading abilities. Scores will also be sent digitally in advance.
These sessions will focus on Renaissance music, singing well known favourites alongside some of our recent discoveries. As well as motets and liturgical music, we will explore the secular side of this fascinating period of musical history, with the development of the madrigal form in Italy and England.
Where and when?
Friday 5 August, 1pm-9pm at St James Sussex Gardens
Saturday 6 August, 10am-6pm at St George’s Bloomsbury
The cost of the course is £100. Sign up with us at a concert or before the end of June for a discounted rate of £80. Students and young singers should get in touch with us soon to discuss bursary options.
How to Apply
Applications will be considered on a first-come first-served basis; we are currently adding applications from Sopranos and Altos to a waiting list.
Please complete this form to register your interest, and we’ll be in touch!