Arvo Pärt’s ‘Passio’ in SJSS

We are really looking forward to presenting Arvo Pärt’s stunning Passio in St John’s Smith Square with Stephen Layton and the Holst Singers on 25 June. This concert will launch the London International A Cappella Choir Competition 2017, which celebrates Arvo Pärt as its featured composer. Completed in 1982, Passio is one of Pärt’s… Continue reading

CD Crowdfunder 2017

In 2017 we raised the funds to make a recording of some of our favourite music from the English Renaissance, including works by Tallis, Sheppard and Byrd. Our crowdfunding campaign was a huge success and we’d like to thank our supporters for their generosity and for helping us reach our stretch… Continue reading

Spring is here!

An early start heralded the beginning of our Spring projects, with me meeting Owain, Joseph, and the familiar rented 7-seater just outside Cambridge on Sunday morning. Engineering works, a hasty U-turn and three hours of driving later saw more of us than we were expecting arriving in the car in… Continue reading

Christmas Tour 2016 Review

Now we’re safely nestled in the first week of 2017, it feels like a good time to have a little reminisce about our recent Advent exploits. We were very proud to perform abroad for the first time in Monaco and also  enjoyed returning to Salisbury and St. John’s Smith Square, a venue that has… Continue reading

Christmas Tour Blog – Day 6

Mike writes about our concert in SJSS and the last day of The Gesualdo Six’s 2016 season: Saturday morning brought with it something not yet experienced on this tour: a lie-in, and a much needed one, after a lively wine and perudo evening after our Salisbury concert. The group stumbled blinking… Continue reading